Because the key to my diet is to avoid carbs as much as possible, sometimes I have to find creative ways to still be able to enjoy foods that are important to me but do not fit into my diet.
Carbohydrates are what is responsible for raising blood sugar in diabetics, and the more you can avoid carbs, the better control you will have over your blood sugar levels. Believe it or not, the diet I follow is high in fat and protein, but low in carbs. That goes against the medical teachings over the past 50 years or more, but there is a lot of recent medical research supporting the new trend. All I know for sure is that until I started following this type of lifestyle diet, I could never control my blood sugar, but now it is in excellent control.
A lot of Americans, like me, describe themselves as “Meat and potato” guys. I love my meat, and I also love my potatoes.
Well, I can pretty much eat all the meat I want on my ketogenic diet, but potatoes are more or less a big no-no. Too many carbs.
A couple of years ago, I saw something on a TV show that featured cooking about some people who were making “mashed potatoes” out of cauliflower. It did not seem very tempting to me at the time, but I also was not trying to avoid potatoes back then either.
Well, some months ago, after I had been doing keto for a while, I recalled about those faux mashed potatoes, and I thought maybe I should be given them a try. I asked my wife, Feyma, to see what she could do. When I tried them, though… well, they did not really appeal to me. So, I decided that I would just have to do without my potatoes.
Earlier this week, though, I got thinking about the mashed cauliflower again and decided to try it again. After my wife finished cooking them, she brought a little to my home office for me to give them a try. I took one bite and just about fell out of my chair! They tasted exactly like mashed potatoes! I could not believe it and had to make my wife swear that she had not secretly used potatoes against my wishes. She promised that what I ate was mashed cauliflower.
Why the big difference?

Well, firstly, on the first attempt many months back, Feyma had mashed the cauliflower with a hand masher, and they were “grainy” – they just did not have the consistency of mashed potatoes. Since that time, though, Feyma purchased an “immersion blender” – and this thing really blended the cauliflower so smooth that if it had been potatoes they probably would have been the smoothest ones I had ever eaten.
That was 3 days ago, and I have had my “mashed potatoes” 3 nights in a row now! Tonight I will take a break, but hey were just so good that I could not say no!
Want to try a recipe for the mashed cauliflower? Take a look here at the Steamy Kitchen. Enjoy!
Hon, I really enjoyed my mashed cauliflower, and it was so healthy too! Thanks for your effort!
Mashed cauliflower is pretty good, I was really surprised. I’m a meat and potatoes guy too and I ended up not really noticing too big a difference.
It also shocked me, Jim! My first time to try it, I did not like it much, but I think it was more of a mental thing… just the thought of it! But, I was more committed the second time, and I found it quite good, actually. Now, I’m sold!
Thanks for visiting my new site!
I bookmarked it, Bob. I’m on a weight loss journey also, hopefully I can learn some things from you and I can share some things I learn also. I need to lose about 40 pounds, going to be 53 this year, need to get down a bit before it’s too late.
Thanks, Jim. For me, I would like to lose weight (and expect to), but it is more about controlling diabetes. Right now, my HBA1C is 5.7, which is excellent (as good as many people who don’t even have diabetes). I want to be healthy. I don’t expect to ever be a male model, but losing weight would be a great benefit too! If you have tips or suggestions to share, please do so on the site, so we can all benefit!