Big 30 Days Ahead
I am Striving for a Goal
I have been stuck in a plateau for a couple of months. My weight has been fluctuating between 205 lb. and 215 lb. that entire time. But, I have decided that I have to break the plateau. I am determined to do it and confident that I can.
I badly want to get below 200 pounds in the next 30 to 45 days. That is very important to me.
Why so Determined?
My wife, Feyma, who means the world to me, has been in the United States since mid-May, so nearly 5 months. She has been working at a seafood processing plant in Alaska, as she also did last year for 6 months.
While we are not 100% certain when her work will be completed there, it is likely that she will be home by mid-November (hopefully a bit earlier than that).
Before she left (although I did not tell her) I set a personal goal that I wanted to weigh less than 200 pounds when she returned home. Since she is getting near to her return date, I have to buckle down, get serious, and achieve that.
She has told me that I’m good
Feyma knows that I am settling around the 210 lb range right now (+/- 5 lb.), and she has seen lots of pictures of me. We trade pictures back and forth at least several times per week. She has told me I look great to her, and I should not worry about needing to lose weight anymore.
But, to me, that is not what I want. I am still overweight. I want to be thin. I don’t ever remember a time when I was not overweight (really, I don’t remember not being obese), and I want to achieve that.
I did not set a goal weight when I started my weight loss journey. In recent months, I decided that I wanted to get to 180 lb. However, I am not sure that is my goal now, I have been thinking maybe 160. However, my “goal weight” is a loose number that I am flexible on. When I get to the look and feel that I want to achieve, I will know that I am at my goal.
But I am holding to my interim goal
But, that goal of being less than 200 when Feyma gets home is something I am determined to do. That is my interim goal, and I am going to do it. I want to be at that weight by late October so that I am sure I can meet her at the airport at the weight that I committed (to myself) to achieve for her return.
Late last week, I started my latest fast. I have come to where I don’t set goals for how many days a fast will be. I used to be strict about that, but now I just listen to what my body is telling me.
But, I have steeled myself this time that I want to keep fasting until I break under 200 lb. In my mind that would probably be a 20 to 30 day fast. I know I can do that. The main thing is to keep my mental focus on that goal, and I think it should be pretty easy.
I will listen to what my body says, though. If I am not feeling good, I will eat, but I won’t allow my mind to play tricks on me, I will consider it very carefully if I think I need to eat.
Feyma has never seen me at this weight
When Feyma and I got married, in 1990, I was at my peak weight, 430 pounds. So, it has all been “downhill” since then. Downhill is a good thing, in this case, I went from 430 pounds on our wedding day to my current weight of 205 to 215.
So, she will probably be pretty happy (and proud) when I meet her at the airport in a little over a month from now.
Can I do it?
Will I make it to under 200 lb? I feel pretty confident that I can, and I will work hard for it.
I will continue fasting as long as I feel fine. If it means doing two 15 day fasts with a couple meals in between that is also fine.
The other thing I will do is step up my exercise program too. That helps me in losing more weight.
Wish me luck! And also wish me a quick month ahead. I miss my wife!
Go for it, Bob!!! I think you’ve got this!! 😊
Thanks, Luanne. I am going to be my best! I think I can do it too. 🙂
Good luck Bob, I hope you reach your goal, but Feyma will be happy to see you whatever you weigh.
Thank you, Marjorie. Oh, I know that she will be happy to see me no matter what. But, this is what I want. Feyma has not pressured me to lose weight. I know she is happy with my weight loss, but for health reasons, not appearance. I want to reach my goal for my own personal sense of accomplishment, and kind of a “gift” to Feyma upon her return.
You have done well Bob, sticking to your personal goals. You have achieved so much since you started. Some folk do not have the staying power, but having no Diabetes now is a wonderful thing for you. Keep up the good work. I am doing the best to stick to mine.
Thank you, Marjorie. I appreciate your kind words.
I married my husband when I was at my heaviest too. I think he’s proud of me, but honestly, this is something I’m doing for myself. He loved me at 275. He’ll love me at 140. And I’m very thankful for him sticking by me. I have 20 pounds to go till my 100 pound mark. We are going on a vacation in 2 months and it would mean so much to me to reach that 100 pound mark by then. I started fasting this week, and like you, I am determined!
Hi Sisi. Being determined is a good thing! Glad we both are. Yeah, my wife is like that too, she has been great no matter my weight, she is a good woman. Sounds like you have a good husband there too! Congratulations on that!
Hi Bob, Have you tried weight training and HIIT? These may break your plateau by increasing your muscle mass and BMR.
Hi Orlando. I’ve broken the plateau! I did it with a relatively long fast, which I have a post about tomorrow.
No, I am doing some light weight training, but nothing heavy. My other exercise is walking. This is on the advice of one of the doctors that advises me. He says that time to start building muscle is after I reach the fat loss that I want to achieve. So far, his advice has worked great.
I’m glad you’re doing well Bob, your fitspiration journey is truly inspiring.
Thank you very much for your kind words, Orlando!