As I became an adult, I only kept getting bigger.. fatter.
In 1990, I was 28 years old and that is the year that I got married to my lovely wife, Feyma.
When we got married, I am not completely certain of my weight, but I would say I was about 400 pounds or so. To be honest, it was not easy to know my weight, because even the scales at the doctor’s offices only went to 350 pounds in most cases. They were unable to weigh me.
The Hospital Scale

In 1992, I was diagnosed with diabetes for the first time. I had to go, with my wife, to some classes at the local hospital, where they taught us how to eat, how to cook, etc, with diabetes in mind. At this time, there were a number of very obese people in our group class, and they let us in on a little secret. At the back of the hospital, outside, on the loading dock, there was a big industrial scale. This scale was used to weigh the hospital laundry when they were sending it out for cleaning. I am not sure, really, why they weighed it, but that is what the class teacher told us. This scale, as I recall, went up to like 1,000 or 1,500 pounds. The teacher told us that if we had been unable to find a scale on which we could weigh ourselves, we were free to use this scale.
I got into the habit that I would go to this hospital from time to time and use this scale so that I could keep track of my weight and how I was progressing. Sometimes, if I would be there to weigh myself, people would come outside from the hospital warehouse or whatever the called the area. It would be embarrassing to be out there using the industrial scale to weigh myself, but to be honest, I think the hospital employees were accustomed to it because nobody ever said anything or even looked at me in a funny way. It still felt bad, though.
410 and moving up
When I first started using that laundry scale at the hospital, I weighed in at 410 pounds. I kept trying to lose weight, but I never encountered any success. Quite the opposite, although it was only slowly, I just kept gaining a little at a time.
By the time that it was 1999 or so, I weighed in at 430 pounds. As far as I know, that was my peak weight, because I did maintain that weight for some time, and never saw a weighing that was above that. It is possible that I may have gained a few pounds after that, but not much, if any. Because 430 is the highest weight that I know for sure, that is the weight that I claim as my maximum. I am sure that I will never reach that weight again, and I will do anything necessary in order to not be back there again or even close.
280 and?

Right now, I am at about 280 lb, although it varies by a few pounds by one way or the other. I am not that comfortable at this weight, after having been at 250 a few years ago. At 250 I was very comfortable, and I would love to hit that weight again, and I am striving for it. If I can go below 250 that would be great too, although it is not something that I am longing for. I want to be at a weight where I feel comfortable and healthy, whatever that weight might turn out to be.
My journey continues.